Composed in the Valley near Dover – William Wordsworth (1802)

A sonnet

Wordsworth (1770 – 1850) returns to England and composes this verse to express his joy at homecoming in August 1802 when he and his sister Dorothy landed at Dover. It is notable that of the six great romantic poets, three (Blake, Wordsworth and Byron) make reference to cricket in setting out a nostalgic vision of England.

We know the reference to the boys in white-sleev’d shirts is to cricket from a note in Dorothy Wordsworth’s journal of 1820 which says – “When within a mile of Dover, saw crowds people at a cricket match, the numerous combatants dressed in white-sleev’d shirts, and it was the same field where when we ‘trod the grass of England’ once again twenty years ago, we had seen an assemblage of youths engaged in the same sport.

Dear Fellow-traveller! here we are once more.
The Cock that crows, the Smoke that curls, that sound
Of Bells,—those Boys that in yon meadow-ground
In white-sleev'd shirts are playing,—and the roar
Of the waves breaking on the chalky shore,—
All, all are English. Oft have I looked round
With joy in Kent's green vales; but never found
Myself so satisfied in heart before.
Europe is yet in Bonds; but let that pass,
Thought for another moment. Thou art free,
My Country! and 'tis joy enough and pride
For one hour's perfect bliss, to tread the grass
Of England once again, and hear and see,
With such a dear Companion at my side.