A huge number of players played in significant matches before 1800. Many of these of these are known by name only, but for others we have a wealth of biographical details. Here is a partial listing of players who played the game before 1800. I unhesitatingly confess, it has been lifted from Wikipedia to whose contributors, I would like to express gratitude.
To provides an introduction to the main cricket-playing characters of the period, have produced a lightheartedly named, Early Cricket Hall of Fame. This is guided by personal choice informed by available sources of information and inevitably means of course, that to stand a chance of inclusion in this list, players need to have their deeds well-recorded, preferably in narrative as well as statistical form; this in turn means that Hambledon players stand a much better chance of inclusion than anyone else.
That said, the main criteria I have worked with is that players need to have made a major contribution to the game of cricket over a sustained period before 1800 and the gallery is presented below, albeit, I have also included certain individuals who have enjoyed fame for isolated incidents, non-playing contributions or as representatives of a group. The listing though is far from definitive and is open to expansion.